Friday, October 08, 2004

Iraq reconstruction

This link is to a Slate article describing how little of the appropriated reconstruction money for Iraq has actually been spent, about 7%. An excerpt:

More damning are the report's figures on Iraqi reconstruction. Yes, the U.S. Congress has appropriated $18.4 billion for this effort; but, according to the report, the authorities on the ground in Iraq have spent just $1.3 billionĂ¢€”about 7 percent of the money set aside.

Ya know, you'd think that the young out of work men that have nothing better to do than shoot at Americans would benefit from getting a job. They'd be at work instead of shooting RPGs, and, they'd have an interest in continuing to get a paycheck so they'd probably be less interested in screwing up the reconstruction. Must be really difficult to find a subcontractor to hire Iraqis and get them to work. Must be. Otherwise, we'd do it, wouldn't we?

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