Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Moral quandry

Our chow hall has a one way flow through it. Once you exit the back door, the only way back in is to go around, show your ID card, and reenter through the front. Tonight I walked outside, dumped my plastic plate into the trash, and headed for the parking lot. I turned back to look at something and saw a couple of soldiers walking toward me. One was carrying in his left hand a plate of food for his buddy, covered with aluminum foil, and holding the napkin and utensils on top of the plate with his right hand. He saw me turn to look at him, so he snapped out a salute. Of course, the no longer secure napkin and utensils blew off and tumbled into the dirt at his feet. I wonder if he went clear around and back through the chow hall to get clean utensils, or if he just dusted them off and didn’t say anything to his buddy. What would you do?

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