Tuesday, January 25, 2005

More shortages

We have now run out of fresh eggs on our FOB. I only discovered a couple of weeks ago that we could get fried eggs here, and now we're out. Back to scrambled eggs, I guess, for those days when my cholesterol level dips too low. We can also get omlettes, but, like the scrambled eggs, they are made from a pre-mixed egg batter, and just don't get it for me.

Also, we're now out of low fat milk. Our milk comes in boxes, which stack nicely. The milk is made from 100% fresh milk powder. The milk I drank this morning had an expiration date in December 05. We usually get two choices of milk; full cream, and half cream. I guess the half cream equates to 2% or something. The full cream milk today had 6% butterfat. I long for good ole fresh watery 1% milk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bad episode of M*A*S*H*.