Friday, November 12, 2004

Back in the saddle, barely

I have just returned from 20 days of leave. Very nice, except for the disappointing election results. My computer conked out, so I am using a loaner. Connectivity should be ok for the next few days, until we depart for Kuwait.

Life here in Alexandria, LA at the ISB is interesting. Jack the Shitter is still with us, dispelling the rumor that it was an Iraqi interpreter.

Of more note are all the activities available to the soldies to pass time. Two trips to New Orleans to see Saints games have been set up. We get many invites to community events. I am going to a fund raiser at the Kent House in Alexandria. A couple of tables were bought for soldiers, so 12 of us go for free to a pig roast dinner. On Tuesday 35 of us are going to a gumbo lunch, free.

While I was gone, the local schools got together and made lunch for us. The school kids (moms) made sandwiches and cookies and etc., and brought them out to the ISB. The kids served the soldiers. I understand that the soldiers really felt good about that.

I am still getting settled back in, so will know more later I I figure out what is going on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice blog.
Rice's late rationale: 'We had to remove Saddam because he was planning to start production of WMD once the embargo was lifted.' Hmm, don't lift the embargo, or spend trillions we don't have and end or disrupt countless lives. Wrong decision Condy. Enjoy the promotion.

Hope your lawn is green when you get back.