Wednesday, November 17, 2004

What is he thinking?

I can’t believe President Bush is appointing Condi Rice as Sec of State. She is widely considered to have been a poor National Security Adviser. 9/11 happened on her watch, after she had ignored warnings. The intelligence agencies were not providing good intel, and the bad intel was used to go to war. State Dept and Defense were working at cross purposes. We now involved in a war that is draining our treasury but providing almost no benefit to the country, other than funneling money to corporations and activated reservists. Al Qaeda is still very much functioning, and we haven’t caught Osama. And Bush wants to promote her. Good grief.

Granted, most of that litany isn’t directly her fault, but, she’s the National Security Adviser, and our national security right now is not in good shape. After all, Americans are dying daily. I don’t feel all that secure. Before being the NSA, she was provost at Stanford Univ. A fine university, but not a credential that inspires confidence in the NSA. Of course, no military experience.

Foreign policy will be even more subordinate to the Defense Dept. Rice just doesn’t have the gravitas to offset Rumsfeld and Cheney.

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