Thursday, February 24, 2005

Sound sleeper

I've been having network problems lately, so my posting has been a little behind.

The other night, about 0200, I was awakened by the WHAM of our artillery going off. It went off again a minute and a half later, and again, and again, and again, every minute and a half for a half hour. It was shooting illumination rounds; magnesium flares that slowly drift down, burning brightly. I guess they burn for about a minute and a half. I went outside after a few explosions and looked, and could see the flares.

After a little while, I went back to bed and fell asleep, even with the regular loud explosions. Once your brain figures out what the noise is, it doesn't bother to jump at the sound. I once spent 10 days running a tank range, and slept in a tent about 50 years from the first firing point. When the tank would unleash a round, the shock wave would cause the tent to flap. After the first few rounds on the first night, I slept right through the noise for the rest of the time.

Yesterday, however, we shot off some illum rounds around 0500. I woke up with my heart hammering and laid there waiting for the Big Voice to tell us it was incoming fire. It didn't, and a couple of minutes later another WHAM of outgoing artillery, and then a few more, for about 15 mintues. Couldn't get back to sleep; too close to the time to get up, I guess.

What a way to start your day.

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