Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Rumsfeld the rockstar

Dec of Def rumsfeld choppered into our camp to address soldiers, on his way back from the Afghan inauguration ceremoney. We formed up at about 0730, marched to a hanger, and hung around listening to "Creed" until 0900, when he arrived. The CFLCC SGM told us how to act, to take off our hats, sunglasses and gators, and asked folks with questions to indentify themselves to the soldiers with microphones. They made no attempt to screen the questions, or otherwise censor us. Just wanted to ensure we could be heard.

The SecDef spoke for about 15 minutes, then took questions for a half hour. He talked about the afghan elections, first ever, and said that freedom and democracy are on the march. He talked of the important role of the American service members in bringing democracy, and he expressed his thanks, and the thanks of the American people. He extrapolated the effort to Iraq. All in all, a very good speech. Little spin or political justification, and heartfelt thanks and encouragement. Not long winded, but said some good things.

As he left, he was swamped by soldiers wanting a picture, which he obliged for about another half hour. He handled his questions with his usual intellect, no scarcasm, and some humor. I got to ask him a question about soldier travel pay. He didn't have an answer, but a Marine Captain scurried right over and got some info from me, and said that Rumsfeld assigned his top military aide, an admiral, to find an answer.

I don't much agree with the SecDef's politics, and I think he has made some large errors, such as disbanding the Iraqi army. Nevertheless, I can respect him and I appreciate him coming to visit us. We are not on a beaten path. As the CFLCC SGM said, if you come to Camp -----, you have to want to come here.

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