Monday, December 27, 2004


I am finally making progess on getting my office set up. Soldiers have been finding me, in the chow hall or wherever, but having an office in CHUville will help. (CHU - Containerized Housing Units)

My office is in a building which will house a phone center and internet cafe. It is not open yet, but the phones and internet are hooked up, so I have connectivity for now. I hope this continues.

So far, I am seeing mostly pay issues. Now that we are here, the soldiers are entitled to hostile fire pay, hardship pay, and to tax free income. Some soldiers have not received this pay, and come to me for help. We also have various problems with soldiers who have been promoted, or married, who are not getting the correct pay.

There is currently a buzz about male-female proximity. A rule went out that males cannot be in a female CHU, and vice versa. Well, that's OK generally speaking, but what about the soldiers who are married to each other. They left kids and what not behind, and now they cannot even go to their spouse's CHU and watch a movie or talk about family issues. Also, we have leaders of one gender who have subordinates of another. They can't meet, either, except outside or in the mess hall (many don't have offices). So, we're working this.

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