Thursday, December 09, 2004


Haji is the nickname for arabs used by soldiers. In Somalia it was "skinnys", in Viet Nam it was various things, "gooks, etc. A muslim who has made a trip to Mecca to visit the Haj is a Haji. Also, Johnny Quest's Indian sidekick was named Haji. So far I don't hear Haji as especially prejorative. It's more of just a handy shorthand reference. It's hard for us to tell the nationalities apart, so Haji is a useful generic reference, even for non-arabs.

We have lots of folks working here from India and Pakistan. They are darker skinned than most arabs. Still, they get referred to as Haji. "Watch what you're saying the mess hall; Haji works there and is listening."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Haji don't surf!"