Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer

In addition to the heat, another aspect to the weather here is the haze. It's not from wind kicking it up, don't think. It's not like a sand storm. I just think that when it's so hot, that the air is thin and rises, and dust and particulates go with it. Also, I suppose that the lack of moisture in the air probably helps the particles stay light and airborne.

The sun sets before it sets. That is, it disappears in the sky before it actually dips below the horizon, as you can see from the picture on the left. If you hold your hand out at arms length, the sun disappears about two fingers width above the actual horizon.

Sometimes a haze in the air will make for beautiful sunsets. Not so here, at least lately. Just kind of a bland, light haze. The picture on the right was taken after the sun disappeared, but before it actually went below the horizon (I think, based on the time elapsed. Hard to tell, since I couldn't actually see the sun).

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