Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Mosquitoes (yep, it's spelled with a "e", Dan) in Iraq are known to carry malaria, and it has now become mosquitoe season here. I understand at some point we have to start taking malaria pills. I suspect they might have some unpleasant side effect, as I recall marines not taking theirs for some reason.

Sand fleas here carry Leishmaniasis, which results in nasty open sores. We're supposed to treat our uniforms with pesticide from time to time. I wonder what's worse; sweating in a pesticide soaked uniform, or getting the disease. Not that I worry about the Gulf War Syndrome or anything, but last I heard no one had figured out the cause. I do know that they have suspended the anthrax shots, after we had 3 of the 4 required.

Tonight we were issued the U.S Army Skeet-Tent, 1 each. Came with four 3-foot poles. I guess you mount it over your bed. So far I've had only the occasional skeeter in my room, so I plan to try to tough it out before I set up the tent. I don't know if the tent works against sand fleas.

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