Monday, November 14, 2005


We are now safely in Ft Lewis, Washington, going through the demobilization process. This consists mostly of standing in line for hours, then spending a minute or two in a chair looking at paperwork.

Yesterday I arrived at 0800, even though we were told to arrive at 1000. I waited in line, slowly advancing to the front of the line. At 0911, somebody called my name, I went to the front of the line signed an insurance form, and was done for the day. The day before, we didn't do anything, just took the day off.

It has been cool, 50s, and raining off an on. Lots of folks have colds, including me. Still, it's nice to be here. We're supposed to be outta here in a couple of days.

Internet access is almost non-existant. I just got lucky for a moment to send this update.

We are staying in the old WWII open bay barracks. Not great, but not bad. We have the same food as we've been eating, and it's hard to go to the chow hall. We do have the freedom to come and go, so if a person has wheels or a ride, we can eat off post.


Anonymous said...

Wish I was there to take you out for a big dinner! Glad to hear you are safe and sound and almost home.

Mike said...

Glad to hear you're back stateside!

BostonMaggie said...

Welcome home!!! Allow me to echo Holly's statement.....wish I were there to take you out for a big dinner!

David M said...

Welcome Back!

If you are ever in Maryland let me know, and this old vet will buy you a beer or two.


Anonymous said...

Welcome Home