Thursday, May 26, 2005

Technical difficulities

I haven’t been posting much lately, and here come la excuses.

My office internet access has been down el mucho lately. This then kicks me over to the Internet Café to take care of business. Much of my work requires email communication, so I use my allotted half hour of IC, Internet Café, time for work, leaving none for my personal gratification. Or, almost none. I do slip in the occasional email to my sweetheart.

Also, I undertook (a lawyer’s word, like underwent) a project that has overwhelmed me. This project has pretty much Hoovered up all my time in May, and I have a May 31 deadline. So, when I do get time I try to use it to do my job and help soldiers, rather than blog posting.

And, the BIG PROJECT has required travel. I spent last night on another FOB, which took me out of my comfort zone, and out of my ability to get the usual stuff done.

Interesting experience stumbling around a dark FOB that I’m unfamiliar with, worrying about where I’m going to bunk, wondering how I’m going to get through the night without the mosquito net that I forgot to take, wondering about malaria and Leishmaniasis, sleeping in an absent Chaplain’s thin and squeaky bunk, being parched but reluctant to drink water due to not wanting to wake my one-night-stand roommate by going to the bathroom at O Dark Thirty, and dreaming of missing my ride out of there in the early AM.

So, let’s just say that events have conspired to interfere with my blogging. “I will work harder.” (A nickel to the person who recognizes the reference.)

I went to post this yesterday, but, lo and behold, the network had crashed, delaying this post by about 12 hours.

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