Monday, June 27, 2005

Balmy weather

Summer has definitely come to Iraq. It got to 112 degrees today, though only briefly, according to my Radio Shack indoor/outdoor thermometer. The last few days it’s been in the 110-111 degree range. The high in the last week, per my thermometer, was 113.7, and the low was 75.9.

I’m told that while I was on leave it got near 120, but I consider such reports with considerable skepticism. I’ve seen some of the big round thermometers, the ones that look like clocks, hanging on various structures around here. One might register 120 degrees, but it would be in full sunlight at the time which will skew the reading. I put my sensor underneath an eave so it never gets direct sun.

It is usually in the mid 70s around 0600, but up to about 90 by 0900, and it reaches the high usually by noon or shortly thereafter. It stays at the high until around 1700, then it starts to slowly cool off. It is still in the low 90s around 2200. After that, I’m not sure.

Our soldiers understand the need to drink lots of water so we have had very few heat injuries. I suspect I'll see warmer days, so I'm trying to convince myself that this heat isn't so bad. It’s hot, but it’s a dry heat. Mark Twain wrote, “Everyone complains about the weather, but no one does anything about it.” Here, no one really complains about the heat, although people comment on it all the time. It’s 1645 right now, and it’s 109.6 degrees in the shade.

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