Tuesday, April 19, 2005


I heard today that one of our soldiers filed a complaint with her congressman because she couldn't get boots to fit to her satisfaction. Odd, because we were all issued 4 pairs of tan boots before we came over here, and she took her 4 pair. At the issue point, we were allowed to try on the boots, and walk around, and make sure they fit.

In addition to the 4 pair of tan boots, we were also issued a pair of black cold weather boots. Also odd, since we can't wear black boots with our desert camo uniform. I packed that pair away and sent them home, along with 2 of the 4 tan pair, so I have 3 pair of tan boots here. I had bought a tan pair before mobilization, not knowing we would be issued 4 more pair. I had heard that soles of the Army issue boots would melt on the hot pavement over here, so I bought a non-melting pair.

At home, I have the 2 tan pair, the 1 black cold weather pair, and 2 more new black pair I bought right before we left. Since I bought them, the Army has announced a new uniform, which has only tan boots. So, essentially, I have 3 useless new pair of black boots, and bought 1 pair of tan boots that I don't need. Jeez. If you stayed with me, you know I now have 10 pair of boots. 5 tan, 3 new black, and 2 old black.

I saw a soldier with tiny US Flags on the lowest lace of his boots. I see quite a few soldiers with dog tags tucked into the boot laces. I guess the idea is, if your leg gets blown off, they'll be able to identify it. And for that reason, some soldiers say that putting the dog tag in your laces is bad luck.

We all had to write our battle roster number (a kind of ID number) and our blood type on the outside of our boots. I guess so if your leg gets blown off.... Also, I guess so medics don't have to guess at your blood type, should the situation become dire.

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